Nominating Procedures
At least 120 days prior to each annual meeting the Chairman shall appoint a nominating committee of not fewer than three members. It shall be the duty of the nominating committee to nominate at least one member for each vacancy, including any unexpired term vacancy, for which elections are being held, and to determine that the members nominated are agreeable to the placing of their names in nomination and will accept office if elected. The nominating committee shall file its nominations with the secretary of the credit union at least 90 days prior to the annual meeting, and the secretary shall notify in writing all members eligible to vote at least 75 days prior to the annual meeting that nominations for vacancies may also be made by petition signed by one percent of the members with a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 500.
The election will not be conducted by ballot when there is only one nominee for each position to be filled. There will be no nominations from the floor. A brief statement of qualifications and biographical data in such form as shall be approved by the board of directors will be included for each nominee submitted by the nominating committee with the written notice to all eligible members. Each nominee by petition shall submit a similar statement of qualifications and biographical data with the petition. The closing date to receive the petition is January 15, 2025 at 12:00 a.m. The credit union’s Board Nominating Committee announces the following members as Board Nominees for the upcoming Annual Meeting which will be held on Monday, February 24, 2025: Jerry Dennis, Damico Bartley, Lily Galindo, and Brett Lemley. The petitions are to be mailed to Gulf Coast Educators Federal Credit Union; 5953 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Texas 77505. To be effective, such nominations shall be accompanied by a signed certificate from the nominee or nominees stating that they are agreeable to nomination and will serve if elected to office. Such nominations shall be filed with the secretary of the credit union at least 40 days prior to the annual meeting and the secretary shall cause such nominations along with those of the nominating committee to be posted in a conspicuous place in each credit union office at least 35 days prior to the annual meeting.
An individual who wishes to be nominated must be a member of Gulf Coast Educators FCU (Owner of an account in his/her own name) in good standing and must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. The petition and application and agreement to serve are available at the Pasadena office.
Election Procedures
All elections shall be determined by plurality vote and shall be by ballot except where there is only one nominee for each position to be filled. Nominations shall not be made from the floor unless sufficient nominations have not been made by the nominating committee or by petition to provide for one nominee for each position to be filled or circumstances prevent the candidacy of the one nominee for a position to be filled. Only those positions without a nominee shall be subject to nominations from the floor. In the event of nominations from the floor, when permitted herein, result in more than one nominee for a position to be filled, and when nominations have been closed, tellers shall be appointed by the president, ballots shall be distributed, the vote shall be taken and tallied by the tellers, and the results announced. When only one member is nominated for each position to be filled, the chair may take a voice vote or declare each nominee elected by general consent or acclamation at the annual meeting.
Board Nominees
Jerry Dennis – Position 1 for a 3 year term
Damico Bartley – Position 8 for a 3 year term
Lily Galindo – Position 9 for a 2 year term
Brett Lemley – Position 11 for a 3 year term
Nominating Committee
Lisa Nixon – Chairman
DeeAnn Powell
Barry Beck