Visa Debit & Credit Card Support
For credit union Visa Card support for issues such as lost or stolen cards, suspected fraudulent transactions and blocked cards, call 281-487-9333 during business hours. After hours support is available by calling 281-487-9333 and selecting option 5.
I received a call about a possible fraudulent transaction. Is this legitimate?
I received a call about a possible fraudulent transaction. Is this legitimate?
We have an outsourced Visa Fraud system that does make calls to help our members prevent fraud on their accounts. The legitimate calls will never ask for sensitive information. The numbers from which the calls will come is listed below. You can call these numbers with confidence that it is legitimate. Unless the calls come from one of these numbers or the credit union directly, members should consider the call fraudulent.
FISERV: Calls to Members for Fraud
(877) 253-8964
(833) 735-1892
FISERV: Texts to Members for Fraud
I made a purchase yesterday, why hasn’t the transaction cleared my account yet?
I made a purchase yesterday, why hasn’t the transaction cleared my account yet?
The delay in posting transactions depends upon how often the merchant processes their debit/credit card transactions. Gulf Coast Educators FCU has no control over how quickly these items post. A hold is placed on your account for the amount of the purchase when the merchant swipes your card and the transaction itself will usually post within 3-5 days depending on when the merchant processes it. Once it posts you will be able to see the description of the purchase through your Online Banking or on your Statement.
Is it possible to have a pending transaction amount that’s different than the actual amount?
Is it possible to have a pending transaction amount that’s different than the actual amount?
Yes – sometimes merchants send authorization before they have the final total. For instance, gas stations often authorize a set amount before you pump your fuel. Or, if you add a tip at a restaurant, the pending transaction will usually show the pre-tip total, while the transaction that posts will reflect the full charge.
I saw a pending transaction – why is it gone and the transaction isn’t showing at all?
I saw a pending transaction – why is it gone and the transaction isn’t showing at all?
Usually transactions post before the pending transaction expires. However, the merchant may not claim the funds before the pending hold is released. If this is the case, it’s important to remember your available balance no longer reflects the pending transaction and will be reduced again when the transaction posts to you account.
My card was still blocked while travelling, even though I notified the credit union. What happened?
My card was still blocked while travelling, even though I notified the credit union. What happened?
A travel exemption on your card does not disable fraud monitoring. A set of transactions can still trigger a fraud alert if it coincides with trending fraud patterns.
I reported my card as lost/stolen outside of business hours or with Fraud Prevention and asked for a card to be mailed to me. What takes place now?
I reported my card as lost/stolen outside of business hours or with Fraud Prevention and asked for a card to be mailed to me. What takes place now?
Fraud Prevention/After Hours Call Center Representatives will notify the credit union that a follow up is needed to start a card order. Be expecting a call within 2 business days from a Card Service Rep to place the card order for you.