Money Talks

Buy low and sell high

Now seems like a perfect time to recite the advice my dad gave me when it came to the stock market: “Buy low and sell high”. I suppose this applies…

Got my tax refund, but is that a good thing?

I’m feeling super proud of myself for getting my taxes…

Travel back in time with an IRA

Ever thought about how cool time travel would be? You…

Should you purchase travel insurance?

You’ve booked that vacation you’ve been dreaming about for years,…

Welcome to adulthood & so many credit card offers

High school graduation season is coming up and it marks…

Are you under insured?

The credit union gave away umbrellas at the annual meeting…

If it sounds too good to be true….

Recently, we’ve received a lot of calls and emails about…

2020 Changes to Inherited IRA Rules

Washington was busy this holiday season. As many of us…

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time. If the elephant in the…

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